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My Journey in Getting a Job

Hi, Akmalia is here…As I told you last days, I planned to share my experiences in getting a job. Everyone has their own passion and it usually tends to guide people to choose what kind of job they want. Apparently, I am the one of so many examples we are talking about. I am a person who are pretty interested in science and history. The books, webs, or whatever I look at is science though sometimes I don’t really get the main topic because it is not my knowledge field. But, overall, I enjoy it. I also catch history as my priority when I go to the book store. The hypothesis explaining the dispersal of ancient people in this world when the Great Flood happened is still debatable. Whether out of Sulawesi or out of Taiwan, we are still trying to search the answer. Curiosity overload.

This thoughts direct me to which area I decide to take a role, education and research of course. Based on this selection, I pursue a job most people want, a lecturer in a higher education. Being a lecturer will open a way for me in both educating and doing a research that I like so much. So, the step after I graduated from Gadjah Mada University is my journey to get a job. I know, there are so many the university graduates seeking a job for their future life. I know, sometimes we don’t get what we want. The best option is just do our best and pray…

From the graduation, the pseudo-happiness *hahaha*, until I am the lecturer now, is filled with the unforgettable moments. The path was not easy, I have to walk in order to conquer the steep mountain. At first, I applied in Surabaya *failed. The second chance was Jogjakarta, the city I wanna live forever, but sadly it gave a bad news *failed. Semarang was the third, I was also rejected *failed. The fourth was Surakarta..okey..failed again. I even had no chance to try in Magelang because the test day coincided with the test in Surakarta, so... I counted it was the fifth failed. Was I sad? No, I wasn’t sad… I was depressed, sorrowful, woeful. More than just a sad! But, I believe God never sleeps. Once upon a time, the useless jobless did nothing in her leisure time. That was me, okey..the invisible one. I read the announcement about the job I seek for, but I wasn’t interested. My friends told me that they took it for the luck. Suddenly I changed my mind, “Wait.. I join you!,”. No one even I predict that it would be my last journey. I took the test and I passed the first round. Then, I got an interview for the second round. Actually, I was awardee of BPPDN Dikti and at that time Dikti gave the option to choose which university we will be placed. I saw U** in South Borneo and found that interesting if I become the part of Java’s diaspora. But, a plan was a plan. It was a dream because Dikti hasn’t placed us until now. Its promise wasn’t not sweet anymore. That’s why I tried to get a job without waiting Dikti till I knew the announcement in South Borneo. My will came true…I was accepted as a lecturer in this province…Finally, I start my next step.

I put so much efforts in getting a job. I merely look at the selection for lecturer because my passion whispers me and it takes a year to me to try and try…So here, I wanna share my experiences about what things you have to do if you are chasing your dream to be a lecturer.

Get the newest information
Social media is a tool for you to update the information. Read the rule and regulation of the selection carefully then make a submission. Don’t forget the due date, the needed lists, and make sure you give the papers completely. If your background is similar to the requisite, just try. My university needs a lecturer in Biology Education so those who graduated as a Master of Education are eligible. I am not Master of Education but my major is Biology (non- education). I assume that Biology Education is always related to Biology. I decided to take and the fact is I am here. In my opinion, better to try it. Who knows…You do it, God decides it.

Prepare for the test
The first selection is usually a paper test. In general, Tes Kompetensi Dasar (TKD) is about Pancasila, UUD 1945, Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA), etc. You can check it on the internet. There are so many example of question and its answer. Based on my experiences, the hardest test was when I joined a test in Surakarta. I know it is the best university there so the test was no joke. The question is about the latest news, the implementation of Pancasila, UUD 1945, and UU. Its TPA has a difficult question in math. In the other places, such as Surabaya and Semarang, there is also a test about Keislaman because they are Islamic University. In Jogjakarta, I got a different type of test. It gave us an English test and physicology test, in other word, there is no TKD. Every university has their own type of test. Prepare yourself and do the best.

Do a good teaching test
If you pass the first test, then you will come into the second test, it is the microteaching. The formula is 2P : prepare and practice make you perfect. Prepare your materials, you can make it in power point. Handle the concepts of your major. Practice is the key. The microteaching is only 10 to 15 minutes, so before you face the examiner, practice it at home. You can record or film yourself then play it so you know what your weakness is.

Interview is the last step. You will be asked about your CV, your background of education, your GPA (IPK), your achievments, your activity when you were a student, your work experience, your reason why you join the selection, where you want to study for PhD, what is your contribution for the university if you are accepted, for female applicants they usually ask you if you are married or not yet : if you are not married yet, they absolutely ask how if you married to a husband who work in different city, what is your plan. They also question you about the TOEFL or IELTS test score and the publication you have!!! Note it! What does it mean? I suggest you to take an English test, TOEFL (ITP, IBT) or IELTS, when you are waiting for the graduation ceremony. After the graduation, you will get your score to apply the job as soon as possible because no one knows when the selection open. If you delay it, your chance also delay because almost all selections need the TOEFL or IELTS score. Knowing yourself is important. If you think that your English is so-so, then you can take an English course or buy a book to improve your skill. They are impossible to forget your publication! So, publish your research in the journal or seminar. I am sure it wil be your weapon to get this job. Publication is a must!

Be optimistic
When you join the selection, you may hear rumours about the candidates they have. The university usually has some contracted lecturers or some persons who are alumni from that university (or some who have ‘the links’…I am sure you know what I mean). Yes, you can guess the result. Of course they are considered to be accepted. I also experience that in Semarang and Surakarta, even in Surakarta I scored the highest mark for the paper test but they took the second one because he was their alumnus and contracted lecturer there. Nothing I can do. In Semarang, I got same condition. Be patience and give your best. May be, you are rejected or may be you are the one they want. It makes me to try 5 times to attach my goal. I look at my friend who has the same goal with me, she just did it one time. You know…we all have our own lucks. Never compare your destiny with another. It is super duper useless! So, keep trying and calming.

Have you ever read the article about atheism or have you talked with some people living in the different country and discuss about the existence of God? Back then, I had 9chat account and I shared my thought with them. Mostly, they don’t believe in God but I found an interesting fact. They said that I have a place to lean on when I get some difficulties I can’t solve or when I am weary to run my life, but they don’t have any…The end of your selection test is not the end. Complete it with praying to God. He is the director and we all are just His living things He created. Ask Him properly by praying and praying. He listens to you so don’t be exhausted. I pray 5 times a day and I add another sunnah pray such as Dhuha, Hajat and Tahajjud. I also read ‘shalawat’ 1000 times then I pray specifically (utter what I want). I admit sometimes I feel so tired and often question God why I am still jobless while my friends are busy with their work. But, I wait and eventually He answers my will.

Those steps I have done are not easy. Believe me, I gave out my thoughts, struggle, tears, power, money…for 5 times I was failed. God granted my goal…that was a big surprise because at first I knew I was not qualified for the requisite but He opened the way to me. Thank, God, I feel blessed. Now, it is your turn to conquer this savage world. Being a job seeker will be the part of your life. I hope my little story help you to prepare what you have to do. Indonesia needs a really good lecturer like you. Good luck!




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