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A Person Who Gave Me An Inspiration: Kazuo Murakami

Seriously, I don't know where my life will go...Is my destination still far? Is it too high to reach? I don't have any vivid futures of mine. Now, i am still looking for the soul inside my body. Who is she? What can she do for the better life? In the name of God, I don't know who i am..but now i am trying to change myself. I want to be a useful person..i don't want to be a stupid one because for me being stupid is a disaster. I begin to look at many people I know, whoever they are. I adore him..the one who is still exploring the world. Who is he? That's a secret :D. Besides, I also admire Kazuo Murakami. Who is he? He is the impressive man whose the book I read. Here he is..I honorably write his story in my own angle.

A Person Who Gave Me An Inspiration: Kazuo Murakami

Kazuo Murakami was a biology scientist from Japan who had a principle that the scientists should do their experiment based on the scientific method and obeyed the nature’s law. He researched human’s DNA in his whole life. DNA was a genetic material determining how we looked like. It was generated from our parent. We had a half of our father’s genes and the other one was from our mother. He published his research in a book which the title was “The Divine Message of The DNA”. His researches were mostly about gene and how it worked. He tried to make his book was understandable by all the readers though they were not a biologist. He connected his research to this life for example how a positive thought could stimulate the useful genes to work and how the useful genes could maximize our potency. He also shared his experience in finding genetic code for rennin. He kept struggling and he has never gived up on his experiment. He was very happy when it was discovered. It taught us that every wanted thing in our life could be achieved by our persistence. Besides, Kazuo Murakami was a religious scientist. In his book, he was not only thought scientifically but also used his heartstrings to perceive God’s existence. One of famous issues in biology related to gene was cloning. Basically, cloning was the way to make a living thing’s duplicate in the lab. When another scientists tried to find the best method in cloning, he had an opposite way. He didn’t agree with cloning because it showed a haughtiness. He thought that a life was given by our Lord. A life was a God’s gift. He argued that the development of the genetic engineering might not against the nature’s law. We had to be grateful to God who gave us a life.

In my opinion, Kazuo Murakami was a scientist using both his logic and heart. He was inspiring person for me. He did an experiment, he wrote a good book, and he believed in God through a science. What he did had guided him into a noble mind so it wasn’t wrong if the reader admired him as a truly remarkable scientist. 


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